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The World Didn't End

I often wander about why people make so many accusations and predictions about the world ending. I have to admit, this past Saturday, I was waiting with my family to see what would happen. The time came and went but nothing happened. I went over to fb and saw that a lot of people were arguing and commenting about the eminent end. People were questioning other's religion. Everyone had an opinion about who would be left behind. I admit, I even joined in. All truth be told, no one knows the appointed date for the end of the world. Until then, why can't we just enjoy being here? Why can't we be happy to see another sunrise or another sunset? I know that we all fall under different religious affiliations with a ruler or guide we look upon. Whomever you worship, I am sure that Superior Being would not want any of us worry about the end. We were put here to live everyday to the fullest. Don't worry about tomorrow or if tonight might be your last day on Earth. Look to the horizon... the world did not end. 


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