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Joining A Dating Site

Okay, so you've joined the site and now you want to see what it has to offer. But before you do anything, figure out what you want and what you have to offer. These wants and needs should be conveyed in/on your profile. This is the time where you express what type of behavior you will and won't accept in a potential mate. Now, don't be delusional. Just because you set out to find a certain type of person, that doesn't mean you will find a person that fits all your qualifications. The point is to try to find someone that closely fits what you want and need in a mate. Rememer that you also have to market yourself. Don't be deceptive. Please don't say that you're this or that when you know that you're not. You'll only have that person expecting something from you that you don't posses. Be clear about your lifestyle, your personality and perhaps your past relationship experiences. The point is paint a clear picture of who you are. It doesn't have to be a DiVinci but it has to be something that closely reflects who you are and not some actor off the big screen. Note to the unwise, there are people who are completely deceptive on their profiles. They'll even have pictures posted that might not be them at all. Always use caution when dealing with anyone. Don't be too open to the point where you're wide open to being hurt, used and manipulated...


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