There are a lot of people that decide to change careers for any amount of reasons but for me, it was something that I had been debating about for quite some time. I have always loved working with children and helping them as much as I could but when a job goes beyond what you can offer, it may be time to think about doing something different. If you're not filling fulfilled about a job like you used to, perhaps you should rethink things as I did. I did some research about some of the classes and opportunities that were floating around my area, I came across plenty of information about Certified Nursing Assistants. It seemed as if these professionals were in high demand everywhere. I decided to look at the career outlook and path of CNAs. It wasn't glamorous but then again, what job is? I found out that classes were being offered at a community college nearby. I talked to my husband and we both agreed that it was something that I should consider. I ended up signing up for...