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Showing posts from May, 2011

Am I Imagining Things? Or Is He Really Cheating?

I promised myself that if I ever got involved again, that I would play it cool. I have to admit, in the past, I was all too eager to think the worst. Now that I look back, I realize that maybe I had it all backwards. Perhaps my intuition was in overdrive. Every woman should be in tune with her mind, body and soul. If you feel like something fishy is going on, chances are something is actually going on. Now I don't want to cheat anyone out of happiness, but are you really happy when there are so many little things nagging you in the back of your mind? What if you ask questions but get run-around answers? What if you ignore the obvious and live in denial? You keep telling yourself that the storm will blow over. Here's another scenario ... what if you get active?  What if you set out on a mission to protect your heart? What if you open your eyes and see him for who and what he is? How can you protect what’s yours if he is still playing the field? Slow down... really think about...
Morgan Brake Wild Life Reserve Veronica L.Anderson Sunset at The Brake By Veronica L. Anderson I was taken aback by a most splendid site. I observed the Sun on it’s usual plight. The day faded away along with it’s light. All my senses became at one. Nothing more could be done. I believe that I was entranced… Or perhaps caught in the romance. I could taste the essence of the sweet warmth of the day. I could feel the warmth bush my face. The smell of the warmed air drifted and tickled my nose. My eye, I did close. I could hear different animals and my own heart slow. The day was coming to an end. I looked about to all of my friends. This had been a wonderful day… It ended with a sunset at The Brake. 

Memorial Day Dish Idea

With the Memorial Day weekend coming up, most of us are planning to have a good old fashion BBQ with a couple of friends. Here's something that will wet your appetite. This meal is one that will satisfy every single taste bud. Try my Red Onion Memorial Meatloaf with Minute-Rice smothered in Broccoli sauce and for dessert, caramel-chocolate brownies. Click: "Food For Thought" and grab the recipe! Enjoy!!! 

The Workout

This is my bike. It's pretty nice. I purchased it at Wal-Mart at a pretty good price. I use this along with other equipment to develop a workout regimen. Before you do any type of exercise or start a new dieting plan, you should always speak with a doctor. You should also set realistic goals. Don't try to lose 40-60 lbs in a month. This kind of thinking will ruin  your plans even before they start. Once you do start your plan, you should start out slow then eventually increase the regimen. Before you workout, you should always do stretches to get your body lose and ready to rumble. Remember to have plenty of water, breathe through your workout and don't over exert yourself. Keep a positive attitude towards your workout and more than anything, if you are working out or dieting to lose weight... do it for yourself and the betterment of your health. * Image removed.

The Challenge

The World Didn't End

I often wander about why people make so many accusations and predictions about the world ending. I have to admit, this past Saturday, I was waiting with my family to see what would happen. The time came and went but nothing happened. I went over to fb and saw that a lot of people were arguing and commenting about the eminent end. People were questioning other's religion. Everyone had an opinion about who would be left behind. I admit, I even joined in. All truth be told, no one knows the appointed date for the end of the world. Until then, why can't we just enjoy being here? Why can't we be happy to see another sunrise or another sunset? I know that we all fall under different religious affiliations with a ruler or guide we look upon. Whomever you worship, I am sure that Superior Being would not want any of us worry about the end. We were put here to live everyday to the fullest. Don't worry about tomorrow or if tonight might be your last day on Earth. Look to the hori...

The Past is the Past

Everyone has a past and almost everyone has something that they have buried in the past, that they've hidden behind lock and key. Here's the deal with that... why hide what's in the past? Let whatever that something is under lock and key, see the daylight. People often try to hide things that will caused them to be judged but the thing about that is, you're already being judged every single day. The thing about hiding secrets and skeletons in your closet is there is always someone else who knows and has a copy of that imaginary key. Ask yourself this question... if that certain person blows back into town and threatening to expose you... would you let yourself be blackmailed or would you expose your own secret? I believe the latter would be better. You will eventually be exposed. Why let someone hold something over your head? Why let them control you? Why let them take your money and peace of mind? Don't let it happen. If there is something in your past that can cau...


Last summer, I made a decision. I wasn't happy with my chosen profession. I wanted more out of life. I was in a dead end job... truly, I felt like the years before had been a bit of a waste. I'm not sure exactly when I became displeased but all the same, it happened. I decided that I wanted to go into another field. I wanted to own and operate my own business. I gave it a ton a thought and I also did a bit of soul searching. I realized that if I was going to do this, I was going to do it wholeheartedly. I left my job and began the process of returning to college. I graduate years earlier and I knew that things would be different but I wasn't worried about that, because I'd become accustomed to challenges in life. But once I was there, campus still felt like my home away from home. Sure, there were new professors and students, but they didn't make me feel like an outcast. I was older than most of the students in my classes but the generation gap seemed to have dim...

Working hard to Save Mom's Acer (White Screen)

I am not sure what the problem is but I know that it's not exclusive to Acer laptops. I had this computer before I got my new one. I had never had problems with it. I'm usually able to fix just about anything. In this case, I have to admit, I'm a little dumbfounded. If you have any ideas what I should do to remedy this issue, please comment or contact me. Just hit the contact link and choose your method of communication. Thanks!

Aftershock of an Online Relationship (Loved & Lost)

Cultural Relationships Part 2

More On the Online Dating Game

I've talked to a lot of people about there experiences with online dating. Believe you me, they are mostly bad. I have a friend that can tell endless stories of dealing with men that were nothing more than hustlers. I asked her what site she was on. I decline to say the name but I can tell you that this site in particular is known for having rift rafts. If you decide to join a dating site, you need to research the site itself. The quality of the site says a lot about the people who join it. If the site is sleazy, don't expect to find a person who actually wants a serious relationship. Most likely, the people that join that site, are looking for a quick role in the hay. Not all dating sites are created equally. If you want to find out more about a site, just search for testimonials and videos. These types of information sources are but a few finger tips away. Don't be misguided by what you think looks good. Sometimes, simple is what's best.

Social Networking and Life made easy!

I watched my life go from dull to exciting overnight. I received my Droid X in the mail on March 13, and ever since then, everything has truly been a breeze. I am no stranger to smartphones but this one takes the cake. Even though I took my other smartphone every where with me, I still didn't feel the freedom that I feel with my Droid X. Instead of taking my laptop to every "dog fight" I take my phone. I never miss a thing. All my social network sites are with me. If I need to check the weather, there's an app for that. If I am concerned about a particular issue, I don't have to worry about by data plan playing tricks on me. I'm not afraid to make calls in the daytime now. There are no surprises on my bill. No dropped calls... always have a signal.... great battery life... amazing customization, tons of free and paid apps... seven home screens... lightening fast galore... what more can I ask for! This is the first time in my life when I've...

Falling for the wrong person for all the right reasons!

I'd been single for a long time and when my ex, we'll call him "Ronni" came along, I was more than happy to throw myself into the relationship. We met on a dating site, I won't say the name. He lived closed to my area and he seemed like an easygoing kind of guy. We talked online and on webcam for a few weeks, then decided to exchange numbers. It was like we were meant to be together. He could finish my sentences and it seemed like we were always on the same page. Life was good. We decided to meet in person and when we did, I was so excited. I found myself jumping into his waiting arms and kissing him. Things went great for a few months. I no longer felt empty and all alone. I had someone to give all my love and affection. It was a few weeks before Thanksgiving when everything hit the fan. I was working on a deadline. I had to finished a research assignment and "Ronnie" seemed to have been obsessed with the idea of me coming over. I told him repeatedly t...

Cultural Relationships

All The Plans....

Sometimes you can have all the plans correctly thought out, all the T's crossed and all the I's dotted but still things don't work out. I pride myself on being intelligent but in matters of the heart... I have been a pure idiot. I think the problem is I am way too trusting and my heart is way too big. It's rather easy for me to fall for the idea of a person instead of the actual person. Once the realization sets in, I go running off into the night. On top of all of this, I am very suspicious. I suppose I see a double meaning in everything. Just once, I'd like to give my heart completely and not have to literally watch it be trampled. Love is different from the way that it used to be. People don't love unconditionally anymore. They play games just to get what they want. Oh the times I've been ripped to shreads. After I finish working on this business degree, I am liable to run until I can't anymore. What am I running from? I'm really not sure...this f...

Joining A Dating Site

Okay, so you've joined the site and now you want to see what it has to offer. But before you do anything, figure out what you want and what you have to offer. These wants and needs should be conveyed in/on your profile. This is the time where you express what type of behavior you will and won't accept in a potential mate. Now, don't be delusional. Just because you set out to find a certain type of person, that doesn't mean you will find a person that fits all your qualifications. The point is to try to find someone that closely fits what you want and need in a mate. Rememer that you also have to market yourself. Don't be deceptive. Please don't say that you're this or that when you know that you're not. You'll only have that person expecting something from you that you don't posses. Be clear about your lifestyle, your personality and perhaps your past relationship experiences. The point is paint a clear picture of who you are. It doesn't have...