I have been in love with nature for as long as I can remember. Summer vacations in Wisconsin gave me the opportunities to really be one on one with nature through camping, hiking, horseback riding and swimming. As time passed, I allowed the obligations and responsibilities of everyday life distract my love of nature but I found that it was hard to feel that same sense of freedom and tranquility when I lost touch with the great outdoors.

A few years back, I found nature again through visiting national wildlife refuges speckled around my home state. Refuges such as Morgan and Mathew Brake, give visitors the opportunity to safely enjoy nature once again. Visitors can breath fresh air and listen to the sounds and view nature as well as read all about the animals that frequent the location as well as live there permanently.

Four years ago, I decided to start saving injured turtles. If I saw one in or on the side of the road, the would carefully retrieve it and get it to safety. In the beginning, I really enjoyed treating these animals then letting them go. After doing it so often, I found myself developing an attachment. I cut box turtle was crossing a busy backroad and I pulled over. This was a place where young kids loved to drag race and ride four-wheelers. It was a big risk but saved the turtle. Before I knew it, I had four box turtles, two females and two males. Ever since then, I've been caring for my babies and the eggs that they have laid. I know there are some that believe that I should have returned them to the wild, but I just couldn't I love all the things that nature has to offer and it feels good to have a part of it here in my home.