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Not So Breezy....

I know that it's been awhile since I've published a new post but I assure you that will change. I'm back!!! For good, this time! I have quite a few new article ideas that I will explore in the following weeks. Right now, I would like to talk about all the children under the age of five, that died and continue to die of hunger and disease in Africa. It's very sad and I believe that actions can be taken to avoid all these deaths from happening. I've seen all the images and videos about the suffering there but I feel like these people know and have known that they are suffering and barely have food to survive. My question is this... why do they continue bringing children into this world? These babies are born to die. Why bring a little one into the world when you know that there is no possible way that you can provide for him or her? My heart goes out in such a way. I am beyond hurt and confused.
I have no children but I do want a family someday. I am patiently waiting for the right time. I don't want to get married but I have a strong desire to be a mother. I am smart enough to wait until I am financially stable enough to care for myself and the child that I will have. I am not trying to under-mind the sanctity of marriage or trying to deny people the right to have children. I only wish that people would be more responsible.
There is always one celebrity or another donating money for the cause. There are also call-in lines and sponsorships to raise money or sponsor a needy child but I still don't see these money's being applied responsibly. Granted, it's a huge problem but where are the real solutions? There seem to be too many mouths to feed and way too much suffering.    
(image from


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